Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Simpson's Movie

The Picture above is one of the advertisements for The Simpsons Movie. I believe the advertisement helps you imagine what the movie will be like. I gave this movie a 4 out of 5, because it was hilarious. I think the reason why the movie was so funny is because the director made it all about current issues in America. He made fun of these issues but kept it so that it wouldn't have offended anyone.

The main thing the movie made fun of was global warming. Not only did they make fun of global warning but they made fun of family's, races, and the government. One of my favorite quotes in the movie is when Homer says "We have a great life here in Alaska, and we're never going back to America again!" I thought this was hilarious because Homer is making fun of Alaska and how he thinks its a great place but i think he is trying to say its not connected to America so its not considered a state, that is just one of the things that Homer makes fun of in the movie. I really loved this movie because of all the humor and would love to watch it again.

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