Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mainstream Films vs. Independent Films

Theres many differences in Mainstream films and Independent films. The movies that we watched in class to see the differences were Shawshank Redemption and Donnie Darko. The Mainstream was film was Shawshank Redemption, i loved this movie in many ways. It had an amazing plot and kept me interested the whole time. You could tell that it was a mainstream film because it had a lot of money put into it. You could tell this movie was planned out more and was looking for a big audience, because they used a plot and it was hard to understand, they had a good and a bad guy so to speak to keep you interested.

The Independent film that we watched in class was Donnie Darko. It was in my eyes the worst movie ever made. I would never watch the movie again and i would never recommend it to anyone either. The differences that i saw with this movie and the mainstream movie was that Donnie Darko had a lot of music in there movie. I believe they used so much music so that you would think about the previous scene and what was happening in the movie. I also noticed that this movie didn't exactly have a plot it was also very random. I hated that you had to really think about what was going on. To me a movie means a time to relax and enjoy something while taking a break on thinking and such and this movie was horrible for that.

I give Donnie Darko a 0 out of 5 and Shawshank Redemption a 4.5 out of 5. I would definitely like to watch more independent movies to see more differences in mainstream and independent. I don't think Donnie Darko was a good representation of an independent film. I feel like it was put together poorly and puts a bad name on independent films.

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