Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Films Rating


2.Gone with the Wind

3.The Great Debaters


5.The Graduate

6.Cinema Paridiso

7.Ben Hur

8.Citizen Kane

9.V for Vendetta

10.Donnie Darko

Mainstream Films vs. Independent Films

Theres many differences in Mainstream films and Independent films. The movies that we watched in class to see the differences were Shawshank Redemption and Donnie Darko. The Mainstream was film was Shawshank Redemption, i loved this movie in many ways. It had an amazing plot and kept me interested the whole time. You could tell that it was a mainstream film because it had a lot of money put into it. You could tell this movie was planned out more and was looking for a big audience, because they used a plot and it was hard to understand, they had a good and a bad guy so to speak to keep you interested.

The Independent film that we watched in class was Donnie Darko. It was in my eyes the worst movie ever made. I would never watch the movie again and i would never recommend it to anyone either. The differences that i saw with this movie and the mainstream movie was that Donnie Darko had a lot of music in there movie. I believe they used so much music so that you would think about the previous scene and what was happening in the movie. I also noticed that this movie didn't exactly have a plot it was also very random. I hated that you had to really think about what was going on. To me a movie means a time to relax and enjoy something while taking a break on thinking and such and this movie was horrible for that.

I give Donnie Darko a 0 out of 5 and Shawshank Redemption a 4.5 out of 5. I would definitely like to watch more independent movies to see more differences in mainstream and independent. I don't think Donnie Darko was a good representation of an independent film. I feel like it was put together poorly and puts a bad name on independent films.

Monday, November 23, 2009


"I didn't know we had a pool" Mary says this when her screen gets broken and she sees the space ship that they are traveling on. I gave Wall-E a 5 out of % because i thought the movie was absolutely adorable. The movie was hilarious especially the part where Wall-E finds a spork in the trash and he doesn't know whether to put it in the spoons or the forks. There was never a time in the movie that it was boring, it kept me watching the whole time. In half of the movie they barely said any words but the sound effects and the motions of the chracters helped you figure out there emotions and what was going on.

The movie was about how the earth gets over run by grbage and before you know it theres so much garbage that people can't live there anymore. Earth is taken over by BNL and it creates lots of pollution to the world so everyone on the planet gets in a BNL space ship and figures they can go back when the earth gets cleaned up. I thought this movie was funny because they made fun of people and how they are getting lazy. After a while of living in space people don't know how to walk and they only eat all the time. Overall i loved this movie because of Wall-E, he is extremely adorable and loves Eve!

Monday, November 16, 2009

V for Vendetta

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."V said this in the movie. This quote is pretty important in the movie because the movie has a lot to do with government. I rated this movie a 1 out of 5. I really disliked the movie because it was boring and slow. I don't like watching movie about government unless they are funny. This movie wasn't funny at all. At times it was even cruel which turned me off from the movie too. I also didn't like this movie because it was complicated and i don't to think about the movie and have to figure out something when im watching it i want to be able to know whats going on.

Natalie Portman portrays Evey Hammond when she is caught out after curfew is rescued by V who's played by Hugo Weaving. V is a vigilante that is not satisfied with the British government. Evey witnesses V blow up a government building. After this stunt V takes over the British Television Network, and broadcasts that urging people to go against the government on the fifth of November. V keeps her in his lair because she has been identified at the seen when V blows up the government building. She eventually leaves and tells V she would be back before November 5th. On November 4th Evey returns to V and he shows her the train packed with explosives to destroy parliament. V meets Creedy and Creedy brings him the chancellor to try and get V to surrender, V doesn't surrender so Creedy kills the Chancellor in front of V. V ends up killing Creedy and his man and gets severely wounded. When he returns to Evey he dies and she places him in the train with the explosives. She sends the train off and parliament blows up while the londaners watch with the masks on.

I didn't like this movie at all. I thought it was horrible i wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I would only recommend it to someone who would like to watch a horribly boring movie that makes no sense, unless you love the government. I wish the film had more of romance in it. I hope i never have to watch this movie again.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Graduate

"Mrs. Robinson, your trying to seduce me" This quote is the biggest quote in the movie and is a really well known quote, even if you haven't watch the movie you have probably heard of it. I rate this movie a 3.5 out of 5. I really liked this movie because of the humor and the love affair. I think that all the actors did an amazing job in the film, especially Anne Bancroft who played Mrs. Robinson. She played a hard role because she had to have an affair with a man that was half her age.

The movie starts out with a young man Ben who is played by Dustin Hoffman that is a college graduate, that comes home. His parents really go out of there way to show him off because hes a track star. Mrs. Robinson becomes interested in Ben at the party his parents throw for him when he gets home. Ben is very confused and doesn't know where he wants to go with his life yet. He soon sorta becomes a victim of Mrs.Robinson and they begin there affair. Later on in the movie he falls in love with her daughter and the daughter finds out that he had an affair with her mother. In the end the daughter doesn't care about the affair because she loves Ben. Ben finds her in a church about to get married off in an arranged wedding from her parents. Ben and Elaine (daughter) end up running off and thats the end of the movie.

I liked the movie quite a bit and if i could change one thing i would change the ending. The ending was not what i expected it would be. I hoped they would pursue Ben and Elaine's relationship a little more. After Ben stole Elaine away from her wedding it only shows them on the bus. It doesn't show if they got caught and got in trouble or if they lived happily ever after or if there parents were happy for them or not.

The Simpson's Movie

The Picture above is one of the advertisements for The Simpsons Movie. I believe the advertisement helps you imagine what the movie will be like. I gave this movie a 4 out of 5, because it was hilarious. I think the reason why the movie was so funny is because the director made it all about current issues in America. He made fun of these issues but kept it so that it wouldn't have offended anyone.

The main thing the movie made fun of was global warming. Not only did they make fun of global warning but they made fun of family's, races, and the government. One of my favorite quotes in the movie is when Homer says "We have a great life here in Alaska, and we're never going back to America again!" I thought this was hilarious because Homer is making fun of Alaska and how he thinks its a great place but i think he is trying to say its not connected to America so its not considered a state, that is just one of the things that Homer makes fun of in the movie. I really loved this movie because of all the humor and would love to watch it again.

The Great Debaters